Raya and the Last Dragon is an animated movie that was released in theaters earlier this year. It stars Kelly Marie Tran, Awkwafina, and Gemma Chan. The story follows an Asian princess named Raya who sets off on a quest to find the last surviving dragon to save her people. She ends up in Kumandra, a world full of dragons. During her adventure, she discovers a magical dragon known as Sisu and learns about the true nature of her destiny.
Raya and the Last Dragon is an original Disney+ title. You can watch the film free on the service if you are a subscriber, or pay a small fee for the Disney+ Premier Access program. Both options will let you view the movie on the same device.
Disney+ is a subscription service that provides access to a library of Disney and Pixar films, Star Wars movies, Disney Channel original series, National Geographic titles, and other Disney content. It is available worldwide. In addition to the monthly fee, it costs about $30 for the premier access tier. If you do not want to pay, you can always cancel your subscription. However, you must agree to Disney's terms and conditions before you can sign up for the service. This means that you will have to accept their terms and conditions and allow them to collect your data.
Raya and the Last Dragon is a heart-warming story about a lone warrior, Raya, who journeys to find the last surviving dragon to free her people from the threatening dragons of her world. Along the way, she meets a street-savvy 10-year-old boy named Boun, who becomes her partner. Tong, a mighty giant, is also in the picture. All three characters are voiced by actors. Streaming figures for the film have been strong, and it has received positive reviews.
Disney's Premier Access program gives viewers early access to movies that are not yet in theaters. For a small monthly fee, you can get a copy of the film three months before it is released in the real world. The program is only available for a limited time, but it is still a great way to get a taste of new releases.
Raya and the Last Dragon debuted on the Disney Plus platform in early March. While it was available for a fee on the Premier Access tier, it became free to all Disney+ subscribers in June. Since then, the movie has become the second most streamed movie on the platform. As of this writing, it is available in Dolby Atmos and up to 4K with HDR.
Raya and the Last Dragon was originally scheduled to release in theaters in November 2020. However, it was pushed back to a later date. When it was finally released, it was a box office success. According to Nielsen, Raya was the second highest streamed film on the platform, and the biggest movie debut for the service.
The title is currently not rated, but Disney will release an official rating soon. Meanwhile, fans can buy the film independently of the Disney Plus platform.